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by Michael Edds,  www.destinyquests.com The great prophet Isaiah cried out to God, “Oh, that You would rend the heavens and that you would come down and that the mountains would shake at Your presence.” This has been the passionate plea of a holy remnant of believers throughout the generations who have been desperate for Heaven-sent revival. […]

-by Patrick Ersig. Here is the account of a vision from God that I received regarding true and counterfeit revival. This vision occurred on March 4th 2006. The VISION Everything was black and I saw one person walking at a semi-brisk pace. Not fast walking, but a slight cadence above normal pace. Walking with purpose. […]

(www.FellowshipoftheMartyrs.com) – download printable PDF file here WANTED: Christians that want revival and restoration of the Body of Christ more than anything else. PRIMARY JOB: To help bring in the last great harvest. TITLE: KOGS (Kingdom of God Servants) – sometimes also referred to as “cogs” NUMBER OF POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Unlimited – but currently are pitifully […]

www.FellowshipoftheMartyrs.com – download printable PDF file here WANTED: Christian leaders that want revival & restoration of the Body of Christ more than anything else and are willing to do whatever it takes regardless of the cost. PRIMARY JOB: To help bring in the last great harvest and to serve God’s people selflessly. TITLE:  L.O.T. (Least of These) […]

From “An Autobiography of Charles Finney” (1792-1875) A little way from the village of Evans’ Mills, was a settlement of Germans, where there was a German church with several elders, and a considerable membership, but no minister, and no regular religious meetings. Once each year they were in the habit of having a minister come […]

God’s Faithful Watchman “Some one, then, must undertake the ungracious task of probing and laying bare the evils of the age; for men must not be allowed to congratulate themselves that all is well. If others will not, he will. If others shrink from the obloquy of such a work, he will not. He loves […]

by Andrew Strom       -Why we shifted our family and our entire ministry from New Zealand to Kansas City in 2004.      -Why I have carried a burden for Kansas City for over ten years – from the other side of the world.      -Why I believe that Kansas City is the key city for Revival in […]

Kansas City’s MANY Lost Revivals from Doug Perry – 8/19/2006 – www.FellowshipoftheMartyrs.com Andrew Strom does a good job of documenting what happened with Mike Bickle (here), but I think people need to understand that God has been trying to get something started here for at least a hundred and fifty years!!  When I started looking back […]

How Can I Be Saved?Are You Sure That You’re Saved? Do you have an assurance of your salvation? MANY will stand before Jesus, even having done miracles in His Name and He will say, “Get away from me, I never you!”  That would be a really bad surprise! Mental assent isn’t good enough. Saying a […]

Preachers of Righteousness by Art Katz – www.BenIsrael.com “Art Katz’s books and writings are copyrighted.  Permission needs to be sought from www.artkatzministries.org if quotes are to be used by third parties. This article used with permission Art Katz Ministr A message given by Art Katz to a group of pastors and lay leaders in Phoenix, Arizona on Dec. […]

-by David Wilkerson  (June 2, 2008).(David Wilkerson is the pastor of Times Square Church in New York City and the author of “The Cross and the Switchblade” and many other books.  Please note WHEN this article was written!)Christians all over the world have a sense we’re living in the final days. The mounting crises, the […]

See more of this whole series here – http://www.sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=category&;cid=4&page=2 The Prophetic Call – Introduction “Art Katz’s books and writings are copyrighted.  Permission needs to be sought from www.artkatzministries.org if quotes are to be used by third parties. This article used with permission Art Katz Ministries.” There are two great words that I guard with a fierce jealousy, […]

The Trouble with “X”Excerpt from C. S. Lewis I suppose I may assume that seven out of ten of those who read these lines are in some kind of difficulty about some other human being. Either at work or at home, either the people who employ you or those whom you employ, either those who […]

The famine is over. The famine of hearing the Word of the Lord is over. Shhhh! (in a whisper) listen! Do you hear me? Shhh (in a whisper) listen! Am I not speaking to you right now? Do you not hear my voice at this very moment? Shhh! Listen! Listen! Do you not hear the […]

Ezette van der Merwe – www.MercyGate.com At this stage of my life I am just WAITING on God for further instructions. Yes, we went to Kenya and we saw God working THROUGH us, but what now? I saw all the NEEDS and how ‘sold out’ those brothers and sisters are for Christ, but at this stage […]

from Doug Perry – March 18, 2007 – www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com I’ve long been aware of this and what it means and how satan uses it to take over a culture.  America has been substantially co-opted already by this ancient Roman strategy.  In fact, I think it predates Rome since it’s a ploy of the enemy and you […]