FOTM Articles
OK, if Paul can do it, why can’t I? So I speak as a fool. This is a totally pointless article, with tongue fully in cheek – but maybe you’ll think about it. Among the other accusations against me, one is that I grew a “guru beard” and that proves that I’m a cult leader. […]
How long, o Lord, do we sit in the dark weeping?How long, o Lord, do we watch them die?We wait for our orders.We dare not march without them,But we sit and we groan as they die.Why can’t we go?! Why isn’t it time?!What is it going to take?!The false rages on, devouring the lambs.They run […]
WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND One day a man saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached […]
SHOULD A CHRISTIAN CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS? 11/2002 W. ROSE Dear fellow TRUTH SEEKER, please understand first of all that I ( or anyone for that matter) cannot legislate holiness. It must be a conscious DECISION made by you. Surely you know that you could do ‘all things’ that the bible teaches and still be far from […]
This was a question from a YouTube user. It is such a regular question that we felt that the response might be helpful to post here. Understand that this is not a full discourse on the topic, simply a quick response in the YouTube box. Much more is written on this elsewhere. Lay down the […]
from Joaquin Duke, Liberty, Missouri, Sunday, Nov. 16, 2008, 6:28am It is our physical relationship we have to the world that binds us also spiritually. We allow our physical to dictate what is important and what we need, meanwhile our spiritual becomes more bound and oppressed. We bind our physical and spiritual being by allowing […]
Thursday, November 13th, 2008, 7:30am – From Joaquin Duke How far will we go our own way before we realize how truly lost and separated from the Love of our Lord we are? We have been wandering in the wilderness for so long, do we know how to come home – or even where home […]
What if Walmart said, “Trust us, give us a percentage of your gross and we’ll spend it wisely. You’ll get a good product. We promise.” Would you believe them? Don’t you think there are market forces at work in the church? That is, if I were the pastor of a church of 1,000 people and […]
by Doug Perry, (Luke 12:13-21, Luke 14:8-14, James 5:1-6, I Timothy 6, I Corinthians 4:6-21, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, and more!) If you have ten credit cards maxed out and you want to pay them off, you start by paying off the ones with the largest interest rate first, right? Then you […]
(Reprinted with permission from the Christian Family Journal, 2004) by Doug Perry, You know the Seven Woes that Jesus calls down on the Pharisees in Matthew 23? It’s clear he doesn’t think much of them as a group. They were showy and extravagant, they loved the places of honor and the feeling that they […]
How to get your cup so full of JESUS that nothing else can fit!from Doug Perry – ( This can be a really touchy area, so I want to tread lightly. I like word pictures, so we’ll try it that way. Everybody has a cup. So that you have a visual, let’s say you’re a […]
Now, before you start thinking we’re talking about YOU, this is about EVIL – not people. Sure, some people are stinkers, but we’re to love people and we’re to hate evil. The darkness from our sinful nature is in all of us. We’re not any better, it’s just Christ in us that helps us be […]
from Doug Perry – ( Try this. Maybe it will help put things in perspective: Rev. 3:20 – Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door AND believes that the rapture is pre-tribulational, then I will come in and eat with him and he with me. […]
from Doug Perry – March 18, 2007 – There has been all kinds of wacky teaching on this and I’m sure that I’m going to be accused of all kinds of things where this is concerned. It’s gotten to be just a knee-jerk, finger-pointing thing by now in some circles. Being from Kansas City, I’m […]
Battle PlanExpanded Version with Scripture References This is by no means a comprehensive list of verses related to each of these items. There are two purposes in doing this expanded version. One is to show that every single line is based on Scripture. The other is to provide a lesson plan that can be used […]
Battle Plan – Extended Version with Scripture references Acknowledge your complete needfulness for God and inability to reach Heaven and escape the consequences of sin on your own power. Repent of every sin. Acknowledge Jesus as the risen Son of God and beg Him to wipe you clean. Commit to Him that He will be […]
Open Letter of Apology to The World Read in the following formats: BulgarianDownload DutchDownload LithuanianDownload ChineseDownload SpanishDownload EnglishDownload Please bear with me, this is long overdue and there’s lots of ground to cover. I want to make sure that I get it all out. Not just for me, but because I think you need to […]
by Doug Perry Well, first off, I wrote it because I really mean it. I am seriously sorry for what I did to contribute to this mess and I’m determined to do whatever I can to fix it. So … the more help I can get, the faster we can turn this thing around. So […]