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Demons & Spiritual Warfare


Can the enemy afflict or oppress or possess Christians? from Doug Perry –  (www.FellowshipoftheMartyrs.com)  (Click the “3 dots’ icon below to download audio) Aw, c’mon. Are demons really real? I don’t think so!Some people don’t think demons are real at all. But that just flies in the face of the specific command of our Lord […]

Let’s just start with what the Word of God says, so that you don’t think I’m making this stuff up. All I’m doing is standing with faith like a child that the Word of God is true and this is a real thing, not justfigurative. Psalms 18:29-42 (ASV) 29 For by thee I run upon a […]

We’ll start with the easy ones, OK? Probably not going to get any argument from you on these. Let’s not argue right now about whether these will pass down spiritually to your children someday, let’s just agree that if you DO this stuff and you have children, it will affect them negatively right now – […]

from Doug Perry – FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com – 5/23/08 Some belong to God, some to the enemy. If the enemy has weapons, they are surely just cheap imitations of whatever God has!  Yet these ARE spiritual weapons nonetheless. 2 Cor 10:4 – For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down […]

Are you captive to something that won’t let you go? Maybe it’s fear or addiction or anger or lust or something else. Have you tried everything without real success? Are you a Christian that knows you should be walking in peace and joy and victory – but can’t seem to get there? Or worse, are […]