About the Church
from Doug Perry – March 18, 2007 – www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com I’ve long been aware of this and what it means and how satan uses it to take over a culture. America has been substantially co-opted already by this ancient Roman strategy. In fact, I think it predates Rome since it’s a ploy of the enemy and you […]
by Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com According to Scripture, in the last days, apostacy (falling away) will be rampant in the Church. (1) There will be false prophets, signs and wonders meant to decieve even the Elect. (2) It is our contention that God seeks to have systems built on HIS plan, not Man’s. As regards AUTHORITY – […]
Compiled by Dan Hubbell of www.ChurchRestoration.org APPROXIMATE DATE EVENT (Note: Christian Calendar off 4-6 years) AD 1 Jesus’ birth AD 30 Jesus began public ministry AD 30-33 Jesus discipled his followers AD 33 Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension AD 33 Pentecost AD 33 Church gathered daily on Solomon’s Porch, streets, market place & house to house […]
by Chip Brogden – www.TheSchoolOfChrist.Orghttp://www.TheSchoolOfChrist.Org/articles/positive.html “And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, ‘There is yet one man, Micaiah the son of Imlah, by whom we may enquire of the LORD: but I hate him; for he does not prophesy good concerning me, but evil” (I Kings 22:8). At first blush there would appear to be […]
By David Hebden* and Wayne Jacobsen There was a town much like any other town, except it had no trees. A disease had wiped them out so long ago that no one living today even remembered they had existed. They had grown accustomed to the barren landscape. One day a young man went to the […]
by Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com These are the last days. We are very near the end. There is much work to be done. The harvest is white and getting whiter every day. We need to go do the work together. The problem is, we’re seeking Unity. It’s just not going to happen. We’ve been trying that […]
from Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com If there is no real persecution of Christians in America and Jesus said the more you are like Him the more you will be persecuted, then there must not be very many real Christians in America. See any logic problems there? Do you think Jesus was kidding? So … my goal is […]
Warren Smith – Charlotte WorldReprinted with permission from here –http://www.worldnewspaperpublishing.com/news/Editorials.asp?loc=TCW COMMENTARY— Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, in Lake Forest, Calif., and author of “The Purpose Driven Life,” which has sold 25-million copies, is perhaps the most famous evangelical pastor in America. He writes often about church growth, leadership, and related issues. Here’s something Warren […]
by Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.comAUDIO VERSION (3.2 megs, 8 minutes) – Click here for printable PDF version In the Old Testament there are lots of stories about the followers of Baal or Marduk or one god or another offering human sacrifices (and how unhappy about it Jehovah gets). Sometimes to please their gods so that they […]
from Doug Perry – (www.FellowshipoftheMartyrs.com) One of the chapters of the “Do It Yourself City Church Restoration” book As I’ve been looking intently at the state of the Church, I’ve grown more and more frustrated that hardly anybody seems to be really aware of the problems and the need for repentance. I struggle with what […]
Editorial by Warren Smith – Charlotte Worldreprinted with permission from here – http://www.worldnewspaperpublishing.com/news/FullStory.asp?loc=TCW&ID=1515 COMMENTARY— A couple of days after I got home from a recent trip to India I received a copy of “Outreach” magazine’s annual list of the 100 largest churches in the United States. The entire issue was devoted to these churches and […]
by Brian Hupperts, www.SheepTrax.com (2007) AN APOLOGY to THE NATIONS America is a land that is walking in her own spiritual light, and our darkness is gross. The spiritual heresies and corruption that festers in our land are erupting like boils spreading disease all across the world. While there is a faithful remnant, much of our Christianity […]
by Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com I’ve been praying for a single coherent nugget to explain the problem and God showed it to me a few days ago. It is the VERY ESSENCE and CORE of what God did for us! He sent Jesus to shepherd us and be an example and then God ADOPTED us as joint […]
What is your money accomplishing? (Reprinted with permission from the Christian Family Journal, 2004)from Doug Perry In the last issue I urged Christians to support each other economically and use our collective wealth to accomplish more than just an accumulation of stuff. I’m thrilled to announce that God has moved in some really remarkable ways […]
from Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and […]
This is a compilation of the scariest, most embarassing, most shocking statistics and information about the Church and it’s affairs. Somebody is going to have to stand before Jesus one day and explain their role in this. We don’t want it to be US – or you. We don’t quote anything haphazzardly without having good […]
This article is indebted to the work of “THE YOUNG REFORMER”Published by THE PROTESTANT ALLIANCE. Edited by Dr. Stephen J. Scott-Person, Alliance Publications, 77 Ampthill Road, Filtwick, Bedford, MK45IBD Did you ever hear of the Waldensians? Probably not. They were originally known as the Valdese — the dwellers in the valley. They were also called […]
Much of the Church is asleep — or worse.Theft and embezzlement are rampant.Waste in our current structures is epidemic. “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a […]
by Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com I’ve been thinking a lot about this. Because I’m a business guy, I think in financial terms. See if this makes any sense to you. When we’re born God opens two bank accounts for us. One is a checking account and the other is a retirement account. As soon as we are […]
by Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com(Based on Matt. 6; I Peter 1; Rev. 3:17-21; Rev. 18; I Corin. 3; Matt. 23:17; Eph. 2:6-8; Col. 1:27; Matt. 24:9-14; Matt. 25) I Peter 1:18-19 – For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of […]
by Chip Brogden, www.SchoolOfChrist.org “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, – Jhn 17:21 – that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may […]
A Message for the American Church 19 November 2009 By Rev. Michael Carl Anyone who’s been following the news and who’s also been watching Christian television or regularly visiting Christian ministry web sites has likely heard that our experts say we’re entering a period of turmoil. Bankruptcies and bailouts in the financial sector, a rescue […]
Bob Mumford once said, “The Christian army is the only one that shoots its wounded.” Regrettably, I have observed his statement to be all too true. As long as I’ve been a Christian I have watched friends and their families undergo untold pain and hurt because of the incredible power of gossip and slander. Years […]
TESTING THE FAITH WorldNetDaily Exclusive 1 in 3 ‘Christians’ say ‘Jesus sinned’ Barna poll shows adults develop their own beliefs Posted: January 16, 2009 – 1:40 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh Half of Americans who call themselves “Christian” don’t believe Satan exists and fully one-third are confident that Jesus sinned while on Earth, according to […]
-by Grover. Much ado is being made about modern day apostles and prophets. We hear of new “apostolic” networks and ministries, with their “impartation meetings” and “apostolic anointings.” Everybody who is somebody in the body of Christ is now an apostle. Even the prophets are becoming apostles. Maybe the pastors are becoming prophets to fill […]