The Red Dragon: the horrifying truth about why the 'church' cannot seem to change - Doug Perry
The horrifying truth about why the “church” can’t seem to change.
from Doug Perry, – Sept. 22, 2006
FULL AUDIO BOOK NOW ONLINE!! This short book is a description of the vision the Lord gave me about what is messing with the churches and ministries in America and why they can’t seem to change. If I’m right, this is a horrifying state of things – far worse than anyone knows – and far more hopeless.
This is NOT about deliverance or about fighting Satan. This is about what GOD HIMSELF has done to us because of our disobedience.
The book is available here as a PDF file, it’s really too long for a single webpage and there are pictures and stuff. You can read it online for free or print it off on your own. As with everything the Lord gives me, I try to make it available at no cost.
To order the paperback of “The Red Dragon” (or any of our other books), click here:
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Please hear me. We really, REALLY need to repent. Nothing else is going to work.
The books on this site are offered here free because they are from the Lord. But if they are a blessing for you and the Lord directs, please consider helping us get them out more widely.
Listen to the Full Audio Book as MP3 here (can click the ‘3 dots’ icon to download):
The Red Dragon full audio book