Are You Saved?
How Can I Be Saved?
Are You Sure That You’re Saved?
Do you have an assurance of your salvation? MANY will stand before Jesus, even having done miracles in His Name and He will say, “Get away from me, I never you!” That would be a really bad surprise!
Mental assent isn’t good enough. Saying a “Sinner’s Prayer” isn’t good enough. Faith is a gift from God, not something you can muster up. And you have to STAY in the faith after that! We aren’t going to tell you to “Repeat after me and you’ll be saved.” Can’t you see how superstitious that is? How it’s become a sacrament?
The fact is, salvation is a work of grace that has to come from God. We can’t tell you whether or not you’re “saved” – only God can tell you. So you need to just seek Him and ask Him to do whatever He has to do to you, so that He can write it on your heart and SHOW you that you are saved.
We’ve collected some things here that you really, REALLY need to read, watch or listen to. This is serious. You’re playing Russian Roulette with your eternal life here! Better to make sure you have all the information. The enemy of your soul wants to blind your eyes and give you false assurances that you’re OK, when you’re not.
The Graham Formula
How the “Sinner’s Prayer” evolved and misled MILLIONS!
Read the online E-book or order copies of the DVD or print book at
Article – The Story of IMA
Commentary on John 15
Book – What the Bible Says About A SAVING FAITH – Koerselman
Are you an “UNBELIEVER”?
What does it take to be considered an “unbeliever”?
Pam’s Amazing Testimony!
Watch the video above and then see that THIS is what it looks like when someone gets BORN AGAIN!!
Paul Washer
Shocking message to 5,000 Baptist youth! This will CHANGE you!
Starving Jesus
What are YOU holding on to?