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Fear of the Lord


from Doug Perry – www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com IF we sin, THEN we must not have enough fear of the Lord.IF we don’t have enough fear of the Lord, THEN it must be because we don’t see Him clearly.IF we don’t see Him clearly, THEN it must be because we have been deceived about who He really is.IF we […]

Is your heart so hardened that you can’t see the condemnation in these verses?  That you can’t see our own guilt?  Does the Word of God stands against you? Luke 6:24-26But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort. Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will […]

“IT’S A YOUNG WORLD AFTER ALL”©1986 by Paul D. Ackerman    http://www.creationism.org/ackerman/  8 – The Speed of Light Covering Thyself with light as with a cloak, Stretching out heaven like a tent curtain. Psalms  104:2,  NASB Of all the topics discussed in this book, the following is the most far-reaching and revolutionary in its implications for a relatively […]