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By Nancy LevantNovember 27, 2008NewsWithViews.com It’s an interesting question and one pondered for years. I have come to the conclusion that those born after the 1960’s are not patriotic citizens by the same definition as those born prior to the 60’s. In fact, I’ve heard many 20, 30, and even 40-somethings claim that they hold […]

Voice of the Kingfisher – www.voiceofthekingfisher.ca by Elinor Montgomery The Great Day of His Wrath Has Come – And Who is Able to Stand? December 05, 2008 There are two kinds of kingdoms in this world – one, ruled by Satan and his religious men, and the other ruled by God and His apostolic church […]

12-9- 08 The Lord awakened me at 4:15 AM this day with a dream. I was walking on a large interstate highway. Four lanes in each direction. There was no traffic at all. Not a soul in sight. I saw signs above me for Los Angeles and San Francisco. Ahead of me in the direction […]

by Elinor Montgomery – www.voiceofthekingfisher.ca Are the Announcement of the Birth and the Judgment Waiting at the Gate of the New Year? December 17, 2008The Bible makes it evident, with the Lord’s visitation to Abraham and Sarah, that the child of inheritance, Isaac, would be conceived in a supernatural manner. Apparently, in the final moments of […]

The End of the American Dream by Thomas Watkins I’m writing about something sacred to me, and you will understand as I go on. I am 59, and I have been given dreams and visions, along with many other experiences with God since 1972, the year of my salvation and indwelling. In general , I […]

Kingdom Intervention Ron McGatlin After over 75 New Year experiences, for me, this year of 2009 that will seem to rapidly unfold before us is the most exciting in the Spirit that I have yet known. Reflecting back only for a moment on 2008, the one word that comes to my mind is “wow.” But […]

Vision of the Rain of Fire    1-06-09Susan Cummings In the vision, I was looking at the world from a suspended position. I could see people and areas from a panoramic position and also at times, I saw things close up. The position varied as it did with the scenes and with the messages that I […]

Hi,The Lord gave me a very important vision.  I must inform you of them. Perhaps it is important for you and helpful? Pastor Joh.W.Matutis, (Berlin / Germany)www.nnk-berlin.de (English  menu) While praying this morning, God gave me a vision. He showed me a great, world-wide “mobilization.” I saw myself strolling along a beach. Suddenly, there sounded a loud boom, which […]

The Real Last Move of GodCharles Newbold, Jr – June 21, 2008 The real last move of God doesn’t need a man to lead it, doesn’t need a band to hype it, doesn’t need a building to corral it, doesn’t need a billboard to promote it, doesn’t need intercessors to pray it in, doesn’t need […]

4-7-08 I found myself in the lobby of a large skyscraper. I think it was an investment bank. At one end of the lobby was an array of six elevators. The lobby was very crowded with people rushing to and fro, jostling to enter the elevators. I saw that there were attendants operating the elevators. The doors […]

2-7-09  A Vision of Refugees My home has a very long driveway. As I gazed up it, I saw many people walking down the driveway towards me. I recognized some of them as saints that I knew. They appeared ragged, disheveled and weary. As they drew closer I heard some of them exclaiming, “God have […]

2-19-09  “A Word to all” “So many are blind. Saints: Look at the world through the eyes I the Lord have given you. Do not be deceived. So many are far from ME and MY ways.” “World: A time is coming VERY SOON when all you will have is ME and nothing else. Everything in […]

David Wilkerson TodayDaily Devotions Saturday, March 7, 2009AN URGENT MESSAGEI am compelled by the Holy Spirit to send out an urgent message to all on our mailing list, and to friends and to bishops we have met all over the world. AN EARTH-SHATTERING CALAMITY IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. IT IS GOING TO BE SO FRIGHTENING, […]

For, Thus says the Lord…March 18, 2009 Hear the Word of the Lord! Judgment is at the door, with Satan licking his lips in anticipation of putting his mark of the beast upon you. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a […]