When did THAT Start?! Church History Dates
Compiled by Dan Hubbell of www.ChurchRestoration.org
APPROXIMATE DATE | EVENT (Note: Christian Calendar off 4-6 years) |
AD 1 | Jesus’ birth |
AD 30 | Jesus began public ministry |
AD 30-33 | Jesus discipled his followers |
AD 33 | Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension |
AD 33 | Pentecost |
AD 33 | Church gathered daily on Solomon’s Porch, streets, market place & house to house |
AD 33 | Church gathered as the Body with Christ as the Head |
AD 33 | Priesthood of all believers ministering in spiritual gifts |
AD 33 | Plurality of servant leadership by example |
AD 38 | Disciples scattered abroad by persecution |
AD 38 | Conversion of Saul of Tarsus |
AD 46 | Paul’s missionary journeys begin |
AD 50 | Council of Jerusalem: Salvation through grace (Acts 15:11) |
AD 68 | Paul’s death |
AD 70 | Jerusalem temple destroyed by Titus |
AD 100 | John the apostle’s death |
AD 107 | Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, wrote his seven epistles (Not included in Cannon) |
AD 117 | Clement of Rome: Elders/pastors/bishops different function |
AD 117 | Clement of Rome: Clergy/Laity distinguished |
AD 117 | Clement of Rome: One-man pastor leadership |
AD 215 | First mention of infant baptism |
AD 235 | Construction of first known church building under Emperor Serverus |
AD 245 | Earliest mention of “clergy” being salaried |
AD 270 | Earliest beginnings of monasticism by Anthony |
AD 300 | Prayers for the dead |
AD 300 | Making the sign of the cross |
AD 312 | Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity |
AD 313 | Council of Milan: ministers licensed by the State |
AD 313 | Council of Milan: ministers became full-time & salaried |
AD 313 | Council of Milan: edict concerning construction of church buildings |
AD 313-1525 | (Period of Dark Ages in history) |
AD 320 | Use of wax candles |
AD 321 | Constantine declared Sunday a civil holiday (Holy Day) |
AD 324 | Church buildings built throughout the Roman world |
AD 324 | Temple/Synagogue style worship |
AD 324 | Pews & theater seating arrangement |
AD 324 | Chanters, choirs & hymnbooks |
AD 324 | Altars Erected |
AD 324 | Baptisteries placed in buildings |
AD 325 | Council of Nicene: First Church Creed established |
AD 325 | Council of Nicene: bishop supremacy |
AD 375 | Veneration of angels, dead saints and use of images |
AD 378 | Christianity becomes the State Religion under Emperor Theodosius |
AD 394 | Mass as a daily celebration |
AD 397 | Council of Carthage: canonization of Scripture |
AD 405 | Latin Vulgate Bible by Jerome |
AD 407 | Edict of Innocent I: Compulsory infant baptism |
AD 431 | Council of Ephesus: exaltation of Mary as the mother of God |
AD 452 | Leo the Great pronounced himself as Bishop of Rome |
AD 500 | Ministers established common dress code |
AD 526 | Extreme Unction |
AD 529 | First monastic order begun by Benedict of Nursia |
AD 550 | Christian calendar established by Dionysius Exiguus |
AD 570 | (Mohammed begins Religion of Islam) |
AD 590 | Gregory became the head of the Church of Rome |
AD 593 | Doctrine of Purgatory by Gregory I |
AD 600 | Latin used in prayer and worship by Gregory I |
AD 604 | Mass as known today established by Pope Gregory |
AD 607 | Boniface III bishop of Rome adopted the title Pope |
AD 750 | Temporal power of popes by Pepin, King of the Franks |
AD 609 | Organs first put into church buildings |
AD 709 | Kissing the pope’s feet begins with Pope Constantine |
AD 786 | Worship of the cross, images and relics |
AD 850 | Use of holy water with salt blessed by priests |
AD 890 | Worship of Joseph as a saint |
AD 993 | Canonization of dead saints |
AD 927 | College of Cardinals established |
AD 965 | Baptism of bells by Pope John XIII |
AD 995 | Canonization of dead saints by Pope John XV |
AD 998 | Fasting on Fridays and during Lent |
AD 1050 | Mass as a sacrifice begins |
AD 1054 | Final division of East/West Church |
AD 1079 | Celibacy of priesthood by Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand) |
AD 1090 | Rosary and praying with beads by Peter the Hermit |
AD 1100-1400 | Christian and Muslim Crusades |
AD 1100 | Church buildings add towers and steeples |
AD 1190 | Sale of indulgences |
AD 1215 | Transubstantiation of wafer and wine by Pope Innocent III |
AD 1215 | Confession of sins to a priest by Pope Innocent III in Lateran Council |
AD 1220 | Adoration of the wafer (Host) by Pope Honorius III |
AD 1229 | Bible declared too holy & forbidden to be read by laymen by Council of Valencia |
AD 1251 | Scapular first used (special cloth around neck on front & back) |
AD 1380 | Wycliffe (1330-1384) translates Bible into English |
AD 1398 | John Huss (1374-1415) reformation influence |
AD 1414 | Communion cup forbidden lay people by Council of Constance |
AD 1439 | Doctrine of purgatory decreed by Council of Florence |
AD 1439 | Dogma of seven sacraments affirmed |
AD 1453 | Fall of the Roman Empire |
AD 1453 | Gutenberg prints first Bible |
AD 1492 | Columbus discovers America |
AD 1517 | Reformation: Martin Luther (1483-1546) 95 Thesis at Wittenberg |
AD 1517 | Reformation of Theology |
AD 1520 | Tyndale’s English translation |
AD 1522 | Zwingli, Calvin, Knox influence in Reformation |
AD 1525 | Anabaptists influence |
AD 1525 | Beginning of Separation of Church & State |
AD 1540 | Pulpit stands, other pulpit furnishings and elevated platforms |
AD 1545 | Council of Trent: Tradition and Scripture of equal authority |
AD 1546 | Apocryphal books added to the Bible by Council of Trent |
AD 1560 | Official Catholic Creed imposed by Pope Pius IV |
AD 1611 | King James translation of the Bible |
AD 1678 | John Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress published |
AD 1698 | Huguenots Influence |
AD 1707 | Isaac Watt’s Hymns and Spiritual Songs published |
AD 1727 | Moravian Brethren missionary movement |
AD 1735 | Jonathan Edwards and the Great Awakening in America colonies |
AD 1738 | John Wesley’s conversion and brother Charles’ influence |
AD 1738 | Sunday Schools established in England and later in United States |
AD 1776 | United States declares Independence from England |
AD 1793 | William Carey’s missionary to India |
AD 1811 | Restoration Movement begun by Campbell brothers |
AD 1812 | Foreign Missionary Boards in United States with Judson sailing to India |
AD 1830 | Crusade evangelism in England & US with Finney, Moody, Sankey, Crosby |
AD 1830 | Beginning of altar calls and walking the aisle |
AD 1830 | Rise in false religions & cults: i.e., Mormonism |
AD 1830 | Dispensational Scripture interpretation by Plymouth Brethren, Darby |
AD 1854 | Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary by Pope Pius IX |
AD 1854 | Hudson Taylor begins missionary work in China |
AD 1854 | Spurgeon becomes pastor in London |
AD 1857 | David Livingston publishes “Missionary Travels” about African missions |
AD 1864 | Syllabus of Errors asserted pope’s temporal authority over all civil rulers |
AD 1865 | William Booth founds the Salvation Army |
AD 1870 | Papal Infallibility in matters of faith and morals by Pope Pius IX |
AD 1870 | Immaculate Conception of Mary: Pope Pius IX |
AD 1872 | Rise in false religions & cults: i.e., Jehovah’s Witnesses |
AD 1886 | Student Volunteer Movement of young people involved in missions |
AD 1899 | Gideon International organized |
AD 1903 | Beginning of airplane flight with Kitty Hawk invented by Wright Brothers |
AD 1906 | Pentecostal movement begins with Asuza Street revival |
AD 1914 | World War I begins |
AD 1921 | First Christian radio broadcast |
AD 1929 | Worldwide Economic Depression w/Stock Market Crash |
AD 1934 | Wycliffe Bible translators aspire to bring Bible to every language group |
AD 1935 | Age, sex, grade grouping & separation of families in churches in United States |
AD 1939-1941 | World War II begins in Europe in 1939 w/USA joining in 1941 |
AD 1945 | United Nations founded |
AD 1948 | Israel formed as a nation |
AD 1948 | World Council of Churches is formed |
AD 1949 | Billy Graham nation-wide evangelism crusades begin in California |
AD 1944-1951 | Para-church in US: i.e., Youth for Christ, Navigators, Campus Crusade |
AD 1950 | Assumption of the Virgin Mary (bodily ascension) by Pope Pius XII |
AD 1950 | Cold War begins with the Soviet Union in 1950(Ends in1992) |
AD 1951 | Full Gospel movement begins in United States |
AD 1952 | Lay Renewal movement begins |
AD 1958-1960 | Para-church in US: i.e., Teen Challenge, Youth with a Mission |
AD 1960 | Increase in church building construction in United States |
AD 1960 | Charismatic movement grows in United States |
AD 1960 | Feminist movement increases in the United States |
AD 1960 | Home Churches in China and England |
AD 1960s | Reformation of Ecclesiology |
AD 1962 | Second Vatican Council promotes new attitudes and practices |
AD 1962 | Space travel with John Glenn orbiting the earth |
AD 1965 | Mary proclaimed as Mother of God by Pope Paul VI |
AD 1973 | Mass media growth around the world: i.e., Trinity Broadcasting Network |
AD 1970s | Biblical house churches in United States |
AD 1970-1978 | Rise in Para-church groups: i.e., Christ for the Nations & Mercy Ships |
AD 1979 | Rise in cults: i.e. Jim Jones |
AD 1985 | Increase in Open Churches, Churches without Walls, Relational Churches |
AD 1990 | Surge in construction of mega-church buildings in United States |
AD 1990 | Men’s organizations begin: i.e., Promise Keepers, Prison Ministries spread in US |
AD 1990 | Renewed emphasis of Ephesians 4 equipping gifted leadership |
AD 1990’s | Spontaneous increase in biblical house churches throughout USA |
AD 1992 | Cold War ended with collapse of the Soviet Union |
AD 2000 | Believers in third world countries experience great persecution and morebelievers are martyred in the 20th Century than all previous centuries combined |
AD 2001 | Muslim extremists attack United States and US declares War on terrorism |
AD 2002 | Information Age with volume of knowledge doubling every three years |
AD 2002 | Heinous crimes against humanity increase |
AD 2002 | Population of the world increases to six + billion |
AD 2002 | Diseases, pestilence, famine & earthquakes continue to increase |
AD 2002 | Christianity increases in Asia, Africa, S.A & decreases in Europe, US |
AD 2002 | Biblical house churches increase throughout the world, i.e. China with 100 million + believers |
AD 2002 | Unprecedented growth of Christianity in the world: Christianity is growing three times faster than the world’s population with 180,000 converts per day (i.e. Latin America- 35,000, China-30,000 and Africa 20,000) at 6.9 growth; Muslims 2.7; Hindus 2.2; Buddhists 1.7. According to the latest statistics of Christians in the world today: Latin America-480 million; Africa-360 million (42% of population); Asia-313 million and Europe & North America-200 million for a total of over 1.35 billion believers. |
AD 2003-2007 | Worldwide earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, pestilences, famines, diseases, epidemics, Muslim Jihad, religious conflicts, cultural wars between East and West, Muslim population explosion and a decrease in the European population. |
AD 2005 | Restoration of biblical City Churches in America gains steam ** |
AD 2007 | Israel enters in seven year peace treaty with rebuilt Roman Empire (E.U.) led by Javier Solana** |
*Historical dates from Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant sources compiled by Dan Hubbell. www.ChurchRestoration.org ** Added by FOTM