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City Savior

How long, O Lord?! - Doug Perry

How long, o Lord, do we sit in the dark weeping?
How long, o Lord, do we watch them die?
We wait for our orders.
We dare not march without them,
But we sit and we groan as they die.
Why can’t we go?! Why isn’t it time?!
What is it going to take?!
The false rages on, devouring the lambs.
They run to their deaths, never seeing the snares.
Where is the provision You promised?
Where is the remnant?  Why can’t we go?!

You commanded us to GO!  But now You make us wait!
When, o Lord, when will You release us to go?!
For Your Bride, for Your inheritance, for the little ones — please Father, please open the doors.
Please let it be now. Please open the floodgates and pour out.
Let there be no more delays.
Let there be no more resistance.

We cry all day long. How long must we cry?
Our tears and our blood cry out, not for vengeance but for the seeds they have watered to spring forth.
Let the New Song be sung. Let the New Wine burst forth.
NOW! NOW! Let it be now!
If it delays we will be too weak. We are poured out to the dregs.
We are so tired. I fear we will all be lost.
It’s past what we can handle without You showing up.
Please, Abba, please say it’s time.
We’re tired of resting. Let us launch. Please, Abba?

(August 2008)

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