About FOTM
Contact or Donate to the Fellowship of the Martyrs and/or the Church of Liberty If you believe that the message we are shouting at the top of our lungs needs to be heard and, if the Lord leads you to, please help us do it in a bigger way. We have a group of people […]
OK, here’s the thing… have you ever been in a congregation that had their “Mission Statement” or “Statement of Faith” right there in a big frame in the lobby? Ever read it, chuckle and go, “Yeah, RIGHT!” Just because people put something on paper doesn’t mean they really live it. And talk is cheap. Our […]
from Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com The Greek word that we translate as martyr is “martus” and means “witness”. (Strong’s #3144/Thayer’s – http://www.blueletterbible.org/tmp_dir/words/3/1116129082-4871.html) Here it is more specifically: martus {mar’-toos} 1) a witness a) in a legal sense b) an historical sense 1) one who is a spectator of anything, e.g. of a contest c) in an […]
OK, here’s the thing… have you ever been in a congregation that had their “Mission Statement” or “Statement of Faith” right there in a big frame in the lobby? Ever read it, chuckle and go, “Yeah, RIGHT!” Just because people put something on paper doesn’t mean they really live it. And talk is cheap. Our […]
We are NOT a “church” as you would typically think of it. We have no organizational structure. We are not a 501(c)(3) charity. Although there might be people that are considered “elders”, we have no heirarchy or decision making authority over anyone other than ourselves. We rely on God to direct. We will informally support […]
Well, that’s a good question. This is, pure and simple, just a place to speak honest Truth and maybe start moving toward the way Jesus wanted things to be. The people here recognize that they played a part in making this mess that we’ve come to call “church” and they want to try to make […]