WANTED: Christian leaders that want revival & restoration of the Body of Christ more than anything else and are willing to do whatever it takes regardless of the cost.
PRIMARY JOB: To help bring in the last great harvest and to serve God’s people selflessly.
TITLE: L.O.T. (Least of These) – sometimes also referred to as “humble servants.”
NUMBER OF POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Unlimited – but currently are pitifully understaffed for the size of the harvest we’re predicting.
QUALIFICATIONS: They need to have no other gods before Me. They need to have My heart (hungry, naked, poor, in prison, etc.). They are going to need to be willing to receive with open arms and hearts the Outside Consultants and Management Experts that I send to them for training and correction purposes. They must be willing to lay down any flawed traditions or business practices that they have been using up to this point, so that I can retrain them. They must want to hear My voice so that I can direct their paths. They must stop putting Me in a box and asking Me to endorse THEIR ideas. They must want to be One Body and stop fighting with each other.
We are an equal opportunity employer, but priority hiring goes to those in the following categories: widows, orphans, handicapped, limping, poor, naked, down-trodden, bankrupt, criminals, prostitutes, tax-collectors, common laborers (especially carpenters and fishermen) and other broken, flawed vessels who have been humbled already. Rich people and seminary graduates may have to undergo additional breaking in order to qualify. Anyone willing to truly lay down their life (and stuff) for a friend goes to the front of the line. If they are not willing to cry repentantly in front of others and be transparent, they won’t be able to lead the sheep to Me.
REMUNERATIONS: Those accepting this position will get to see the Spirit of God descend in power on their assembly and their town like never before. They will get to see Me walk in their midst. They will learn peace and joy and victory and intimacy with Me on a scale they didn’t know possible and they will have true community for the first time. I will pay all their bills and take care of their every need. I will hold their hand.
COSTS: It’s very important that they count the cost ahead of time. If they accept this position they will be ridiculed and persecuted. It will probably result in the loss of some or all of the following: prestige, health, leisure time, money and assets of all kinds, home, even spouse and children are at risk. Those who accept this position will be beat on and refined on a scale they can’t even imagine, but I promise to never let it go beyond what they can handle. Their success will be directly proportional to their willingness to let My refining fire burn off everything in them that stands in the way of My plans. It WILL absolutely, positively hurt a LOT – but I will personally wipe away every tear. In the end, they will look like Me.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Submit this application with fear and trembling and ask Me to do whatever it takes to make you ready right NOW no matter how much it hurts. Then bite down on something.
DEADLINE: This vacancy will remain open until we find qualified candidates or until the harvest is over. But if you’re supposed to be leading and you refuse, the blood of all the people that didn’t get reached because you wouldn’t stand up in the day of battle (or move fast enough) is on YOU. So you might want to hurry.
NOTE: If you need extra motivation, please read Ezekiel 34 several times out loud.
For available positions in your area find someone that has lost everything and has been thoroughly beaten into submission. They have a direct line to Headquarters. (Or contact
Name: ______________________________________
Jesus Preference: (check all that apply)
___ Emergency-Only Jesus
___ Prosperity Jesus
___ Denominational Jesus
___ Fire-Insurance-Get-Out-Of-Hell-Free Jesus
___ Church Growth Jesus
___ Nonjudgemental-Everybody-Goes-To-Heaven Jesus
___ Didn’t-Come-In-The-Flesh Jesus
___ Loves-Me-But-Can’t/Won’t-Talk-To-Me Jesus
___ Master, King, Commander, Lord Jesus
___ Other:____________________________________
Money: (Check One)
___ I am willing to go, so long as I know a regular paycheck is coming and I have some security.
___ I am willing to go and live on faith, so long as I can tell people about my needs.
___ I am willing to go and live on faith and depend on God alone and NEVER mention my needs to anyone.
Service: (Check One)
___ I am willing to serve those who will really appreciate what I do and won’t ask me to get too dirty.
___ I am willing to serve even if no one notices, so long as I can feel like we’re making some progress.
___ I am willing to serve those who will beat me and spit on me, and I won’t stop even if it never pays off.
Prayer: (Check One)
___ I often stand in front and make long flowery prayers to impress people.
___ I frequently intercede for others and spend lots of hours alone in prayer.
___ I pray without ceasing and offer to stand in the gap and take on me anything necessary to free another.
Sacrifice: (Check One)
___ I am willing to strain my tea and religiously give 10% of all my spices and other garden produce.
___ I am willing to give all that I have, but I’d like to make payments and spread it out over time.
___ I am willing to die to self – all at once right now or in big chunks every day regardless of the pain.
Humility: (Check One)
___ I prefer the seats of honor at the front and try to make sure everyone knows where I belong.
___ Mine is the Kingdom ___ Mine is the Power ___ Mine is the Glory
___ Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever. I’ll take the crumbs from under the table.
Urgency: (Check One)
___ I will go when I’m sure that I’m fully prepared and know all that I need to know to be effective.
___ I will go right now, but I refuse to go over 20 miles per hour so as not to get hurt too bad in an accident.
___ I already left and I’m going 200 miles per hour and I don’t care what happens, I’m not slowing down.
Determination: (Check One)
___ I will persevere until someone raises an eyebrow or threatens to leave my church.
___ I will persevere until it starts costing me things I really love.
___ I will persevere until someone kills me.
Please consider me for this position. I’m willing to go anywhere, do anything, endure anything, give anything, unlearn anything, pray without ceasing, be instant in season and out of season, know the Word of God and obey His commands and learn to hear His voice. I know I can’t get there on my own and I’m sorry I ever tried. I will let Him direct ALL my paths from now on and I won’t lean on my own understanding anymore. I will happily receive everything that I’m going to need to be fully equipped for His purposes. I promise to never make it about me. I’m ready to start anytime.
Signed: __________________________________
Qualified? ____ Start Date? _____ End Date? _____ Rich Welcome Scheduled? _____ Robe Size? _____