Who Neutered The Holy Spirit?! - Doug Perry
from Doug Perry, March 2, 2007 – www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com
There seems to be big chunks of the Church that think that God changes. This book is an exposition of the things the Holy Spirit did in the Old Testament, before Pentecost in the New Testament, AT Pentecost, and after – and is still doing today. It asks lots of hard questions, like, “Who benefits most from a theology that says that the weapons of war we used to have don’t work anymore and/or demons aren’t real anyway?” I gotta think the bad guys benefit most from that bit of twisted reasoning. In fact, I think they whispered it to somebody in the Church and we turned it into dogma. Cause I can’t see any way that it glorifies Jesus – or the Holy Spirit.
The book is available here as a PDF file, it’s really too long for a single webpage and there are pictures and stuff. (1.1 meg file) You can read it online for free or print it off on your own. As with everything the Lord gives, we try to make it available at no cost, but if you want a hard copy we have them printed on demand and basically just charge what it costs us.
I don’t care how big a box you put the Holy Spirit in, it’s NOT BIG ENOUGH!
May the Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you in whatever way He thinks best.
Doug Perry
servant of God
Audio Book
Full Playlist:
Appendix A
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