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Bible Studies


Gideon and the Men Down By the River from Doug Perry – June 1, 2007 I’ve heard a bunch of sermons on this one little element of the Gideon story and I’ve never been satisfied with any of them. The Lord has been talking to me about Gideon for almost three solid years now, so […]

scripture written by God (with comments from Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com) Printable PDF – [needs link] (Below from Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary):       “Hosea prophesied during the twilight years of the northern kingdom of Israel, a time of rapid moral decline. Worship of false gods was mixed with worship of the one true God. Ritualism rather […]

from Doug Perry – (www.FellowshipoftheMartyrs.com) God does not change. What irritated Him then, still irritates Him now. What pleased and honored Him then, still pleases and honors Him now. These If/Then statements are guarantees!  IF you do these things, then He WILL do what He said He would do – sooner or later, one way […]

from Doug Perry – (www.FellowshipoftheMartyrs.com) God does not change. What irritated Him then, still irritates Him now. What pleased and honored Him then, still pleases and honors Him now. These If/Then statements are guarantees!  IF you do these things, then He WILL do what He said He would do – sooner or later, one way […]

from Doug Perry – www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com  Printable PDF [originally at https://www.fellowshipofthemartyrs.com/pdf/mark12.pdf] What I do is look at Scripture and ask the Lord to show me some application (or “spiral”) of it that I have never seen before. Sometimes He shows me things that maybe nobody else has seen before. He has been POUNDING on me with Mark […]

-WHY WE READ THE EARLY CHURCH– W. Rose1/2005 I have taken over 2 years in waiting to write on this subject. This has been an extremely important subject to me and to many people that I know. The answer to this question has serious consequences to our christian walk. It is my prayer that in […]

Good Friday is a Myth?Jesus died on a Wednesday!! by Roy A. Reinhold I was quite blown away recently to hear Hal Lindsey state on his national radio program that he has come to believe that the scriptures show a Wednesday crucifixion. Perhaps you ought to examine the evidence and decide for yourself; be like the […]

From Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com, April 2009 Tonight the Lord blind-sided me with a fresh look at a verse I had never really studied before.  Oh, sure, I’ve read it a zillion times, but it seemed to make sense without further study – until I read someone else’s take on that verse and it sent me scrambling […]

from Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com  – 9/5/06 The Lord showed me very clearly today how Matthew 5 intersects with the understandings about “cups” and cup management. I hope that I can express this as clearly as He showed it to me. If you haven’t already read the “Spiritual Tune-up” or “Fill My Cup, Lord” writings, you probably […]

WHAT AND WHERE IS HELL?W. ROSE12/2002 In this study we will look at several common questions and misconceptions about what is referred to as ‘hell’. As you will see, there are many varying views of the ‘Who, What, and Wheres’ of hell. I do not believe that it is God’s will for us to be […]


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