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Rain Right NOW, Lord! - Doug Perry

from Doug Perry, www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com – Sept. 22, 2006

This book is a compilation of things the Lord has been teaching me for about three years, but was written from start to finish in about two weeks. Some older material is incorporated, but most of it is brand new. There are some things in this book that I have never read anywhere or heard from ANY man. I believe that this book is really important for what’s coming. In fact, I believe that the Lord has shown me the mechanism for getting the Latter and the Early Rain to fall at the same time. I believe that WE (the Body of Christ) are the mechanism to pour out His Spirit on all flesh!  You’ll have to read the book to understand it all and what He showed me.

The book is available here as a PDF file, it’s really too long for a single webpage and there are pictures and stuff. (1.8 meg file, so be patient on a dialup.) You can read it online for free or print it off on your own. As with everything the Lord gives me, I try to make it available at no cost, but if you want a hard copy we have them printed on demand and basically just charge what it costs us.

Here’s the link to the book. Please try to read it in order and don’t skip around (unless the Lord tells you to).

Audio Book below.

This book is not about educating your mind, this is designed to directly feed your spirit and keep it fed all the time. We’re looking for radical complete transformation, not a slight incremental improvement. Please let me know what happens.

May the Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you in whatever way He thinks best. May this book be an encouragement and a blessing to you.

If you want to BUY a hardcopy of the book, it’s available in O-ring bound 8.5″ x 11″ format (so you can make copies if you want).

Order the paperback here:

Books on Amazon

We make this available for free, but offer the paperback if you want. Although we don’t really make anything on it, CafePress prints them one at a time without setup costs or inventory loads, so it’s good stewardship all around. Several other great books are also available there.

Full audiobook on MP3 (click the ‘3 dots’ icon to download)

Rain Right NOW, Lord!

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