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The Great Day of His Wrath has Come - Elinor Montgomery

Voice of the Kingfisher – www.voiceofthekingfisher.ca

by Elinor Montgomery

The Great Day of His Wrath Has Come – And Who is Able to Stand?
December 05, 2008

There are two kinds of kingdoms in this world – one, ruled by Satan and his religious men, and the other ruled by God and His apostolic church of priests. Satan is the prince of this world who rules over the religious empire-building states.
Canada and the United States were raised up by God to demonstrate a type of His kingdom on earth, ruled by Him and governed by His Law, with the liberty and peace it brings to the world. Instead, these nations are showing the world what it means to walk away from His ruler-ship over the land, where the church was meant to be the voice of His authority, His Governor General, so to speak, and of His perfect justice in the Word and in all matters of law.

These two nations have constitutions in which one says that God shall have dominion from sea to sea, and the other one claims that in God they trust. No man on earth can fill the shoes of God Who rules in perfect truth and justice. However, God makes us co-partners as He first made Adam and Eve co-partners in ruler-ship in the Garden, a partnership, which they rejected by choice. Then a line of kings was set up within the nation Israel, beginning with King David, which will share an eternal throne with Jesus on this earth.

God is the authority over our lives and religion has no part in His government. We are part of the creation and do not bow to worship the creation, but rather bow only to God in worship of Him. He does not belong to the roaming spirits of this earth; He is the living God and Author of the Spirit of life. Native paganism, Gnostic New Age connectedness, and Eastern mysticism all connect men to satanic rule.

There is but one connection between God and man, and it is the Bible, the only book of truth, as our constitutions of America indicate. It is the only Book upon which justice stands in testimony before God, as men swear upon it to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help them God, but definitely not so help them Satan. However, America has closed this door to God and opened the door for Satan and his spiritual demons to enter the land and set up office in what was once America, the beautiful, under God.

This land was to be His chosen land of liberty and the burning torch of His glory. It was the land to which the sea coughed up its suffering, teaming masses, so that they might live in victory under God, apart from religious potentates. They came to the land of truth and not to a land intended for religious men.

There was no pope ruling over America. This was one of the greatest fears of the American people in the United States; they were terrified of electing a Roman Catholic president, for fear of opening the door to the religious controls of Rome and its pope. Nor was there an Archbishop of Canterbury, interfering in the affairs of state in Canada. The Bible endorses no false gods such as Allah and it forbids the Gnostic practices of the eastern religions of gurus and mystic monks. Great men like Peter Marshall have advised governments, but have not ruled over them.

In the same apostasy to which the nation Israel adhered, America, likewise, decided that her one God was not good enough for her; she wanted the idols of the other nations. In a worse manner than a harlot that is sought after and bought by men, she lifted her skirt and invited them to take freely of her harlotry. She simply gave herself away to any Tom, Dick and Harry who might want her. More specifically, in Canada, along came three stooges like Curley, Moe and Larry saying, “We sure will grab her and embrace her harlotry if we can.”

We see this picture so clearly here; we have the religious stooges trying to rule in place of the God of truth. In true satanic style, we are looking at a coalition of stooges who are very confused and, as Mr. Dion, their spokesperson, so clearly demonstrates, he is like a chicken running around with his head cut off. He appears to do little more than cackle. Whatever direction the winds of power blow, he is ready to lay down principles in order to jump on the bandwagon of the power grabbers.

He does not care whether or not he is in bed with a man who shows his complete disrespect for God and with another who not only dishonors God, but also dishonors this nation. This cackler says that, in the unity of these strange bedfellows, they will attempt to convince the people that this coalition of odd-fellows should rule over the country, instead of the man whom the people duly elected.

The cackler says Mr. Harper should bow to the coalition’s platforms even though he was elected to carry out his own platform. And why does the cackler think he should do that? The people did not elect Mr. Harper to allow any Bloc of separatists to have the say over Canadian affairs and then in treason, break up the country. No people who are truly Canadians would ever in a million years elect a French separatist to the office of Prime Minister, nor would these same Canadian tax-payers want their hard-earned dollars going to pay for separatists to sit in the Senate.

Again, no man should ever be Prime Minister of Canada while at the same time holding citizenship with another nation, such as is the case with the cackler himself. You cannot pledge allegiance to two masters and serve either one properly. And then, no man should rule in Canada who does not recognize God as ruler over this land or who is a traitor to his supreme Ruler, God and the Canadian people.

This is a triumvirate of three very confused agents of Satan resting on the shifting foundation of the sands of the sea. They possess no underlying principles, which might form a solid rock foundation for the nation. What a pathetic bunch of wimps these cacklers are! They will be blown around in the future in any direction the winds of power blow, just as they are being blown now.

The world, once again, is watching while Satan licks his lips in readiness to taste the soul of America. “She shall be mine,” he says, just like Israel became his before her, a nation that once belonged to God, only to walk away from Him as we are doing in this country today. And so a nation stuck-on-stupid refuses to look at history and learn from it.

America will return to darkness only to fill the shoes of the blind men, whom Jesus healed. They were the religious men who hated the miracles performed by Jesus, by which He gave vision to the blind, healed the lame so they could walk and cured the lepers, so they might be well again.

They were the same religious men who refused to bow to Jesus while, at the same time, attempting to make Him bow to them. They were the religious men appointed by Rome whom Jesus called a brood of vipers. They were these same religious men who were the bad shepherds over the lost sheep of Israel, who together were willing to sacrifice God for Caesar with a plea to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, in which they cried out the words, “We have no king but Caesar.” It was a Caesar who subsequently fiddled while Rome burned.

At the present time, in all of North America, he is perhaps the governor and terminator of California who is fiddling the most while his state burns. Like the Romans of yesterday, the corrupted Hollywood set and their pathetic idol worshipers are the mockers who mock the Christians and believers, placing the blame for all the world’s problems upon them. They are the Christians who are rejected and unjustly imprisoned in that society where immorality abounds in the same manner as it did just before the fall of the Roman Empire.

Little does the world understand that the true church has commenced its departure from the religious halls of Christianity in its own exodus, before Christianity takes the full mark of the beast upon itself, as did Judaism before her. This is happening simultaneously with the rise of the counterfeit trinitarian ruler-ship of the beast – a united world economic system, a united world government and a united world religion.

God’s hand of protection has already been removed from our economy. Just watch as the stupid people cry out to Him, asking where He was when these catastrophes began to happen. Keep your eye closely focused on the maturations of the religious Christian priesthood as it is seen scrambling to become all-inclusive of other gods and other religions.

People of Canada, you have before you, the picture of three stooges scrambling and pushing their way to get more than their full share at the public teat. Unfortunately, Canada is going to get exactly what she deserves for having allowed a woman to be at the helm as Governor General and stand-in for the King, giving her the final say in the direction our government will take. This is a woman who will not recognize her King and does not embrace the country she is supposed to serve, having been caught on camera toasting, with her husband, to the separatist move of Quebec.

Is America the land of the free? It was founded under God, but it will not likely remain under Him much longer, if we allow the three stooges to manipulate the people and make a mockery of the Canadian government and its constitution. Take a look at Israel and you will see just how much Satan hates the harlots of God, the only true God Who so loved His own.

Now, take a look, America, at yourself and make sure it will not be you who have rejected the love of God for a bunch of liars, God-haters, terrorists and terminators, who serve their master, the devil. He is the prince of this world who seals his own with the mark of the beast, the number 666, the number of man, but never of God.


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