Martyrs' Statement of Commitment
In thankfulness for God’s great mercy on us and as our spiritual act of worship, we offer ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.
- We commit that we will no longer let any man-made thing distract us from what God wants to do with us.
- We commit that we will no longer settle for half-truths and childish things and we will practice pure Truth.
- We commit to constantly seek His face, love His Word and to desire more of His Holy Spirit every day.
- We commit ourselves completely to the direction of our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.
- We commit to the World that we will strive to speak only the Truth about Jesus and man’s need for Him.
- We commit to each other our love and support and encouragement and discipline, as the Lord directs.
- We will not back down, we will not compromise, we will not stop speaking Truth – regardless of the cost.
- We will love the brethren no matter what – and our enemies, too.