Investment Bank dream - Deborah Rennier
I found myself in the lobby of a large skyscraper. I think it was an investment bank. At one end of the lobby was an array of six elevators. The lobby was very crowded with people rushing to and fro, jostling to enter the elevators.
I saw that there were attendants operating the elevators. The doors closed and up went the elevators. A few minutes later they returned and I found myself entering one of them. People were pushing to enter them. All of them in such a hurry. Cursing and hollering loudly.
As the doors on my elevator closed the attendant announced that we were going on a little trip back in time . Well, the elevator went up for a few seconds and then seemed to stop between floors.
After he stopped he began to show pictures of the younger days of those on the elevator. Happy, joyful faces of childhood and early adolescence. Then pictures of them in the optimism of young adulthood.
Then he stopped the pictures and asked them if they would like to see their lives now. The people said, “Yes, but hurry we have to get to work.”
The pictures started flashing again. Pictures of them being cruel and hurting others. Doing anything necessary to succeed.
The man then asked them, “Do you like your life now?”
To which they responded: “Yes.”
He then asked them, “What about your life is holy and righteous?”
Many started answering, “I’m a good person. I go to church and tithe every week.” Some said, “I don’t need all that religion. I live a good life.” Still more started saying, “We are our own gods. We are righteous.”
The attendant then spoke, “Who here wants to be holy and righteous before a holy God?”
They all responded, “What are you talking about? We are alright. We take care of ourselves. Let us get back to work, we are losing money.”
The attendant then stated, “You are losing more than money. You are losing your souls.”
The elevator then started to move. As we stopped at a floor the attendant would state to them as they departed, “Last chance to save your soul and be holy. Choose this day who you will serve. Greed and self or a Holy and Just God.”
They replied, “Let us get back to work. Time is money!” As they departed the attendant would respond, “The door is closed.”
I prayed and asked the Lord to give me understanding. Some of it was easy to understand, but I waited on the Lord to make it clear.
HE then spoke to my spirit, “This dream shows how people’s hearts have turned cold and hard. They do not want to serve ME. They desire to serve themselves and their greed.”
“So be it! The door is closed. No longer will they know MY Presence. The love of many will grow cold and they will fall away. They do not know ME or desire to know ME. It is too late for those who will not repent. Their hearts will be hardened.”