For, Thus says the Lord - Elinor Montgomery - 3/18/09
For, Thus says the Lord…
March 18, 2009
Hear the Word of the Lord! Judgment is at the door, with Satan licking his lips in anticipation of putting his mark of the beast upon you. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666 (Revelation 13:18). All of his systems are ‘go’ as they line up with the liberalism introduced in the Garden of creation by the serpent, when man resisted the truth of the God of truth to embrace a belief system based on lies emanating from Satan. He used the lure, or the bait, which appealed to man’s flesh and to his pride.
The devil is the author of the world systems based on religion, politics and economics, the three sixes, foundational to his plan for a world government run by man, over which Satan, in the person of the Antichrist, shall reign and be worshipped. He has always wanted to rule the world, and now he is going to have his brief hour to play havoc with those who have rejected the truth in order to embrace the lie. People by the billions are going to be washed away when the cleansing process begins with the Lord calling forth His witnesses to the truth (the true church). They will be called to witness as God’s prophetic voice for one last time, standing only on truth while fishing for men still caught in the quagmire of the world systems.
Six #1: The Religious System. The church of Jesus Christ, not too long after its conception, went into the captivity of Romanism. Nevertheless, just as God used Joseph in Egypt to stand before Pharaoh and witness to the God of Israel, He has used the captivity of His church in the system of Romanism, the religious system called Christianity, to serve His own purposes. During the religious church age, He has kept His little band of spiritual Israel alive, growing and well within the Roman system, the last of the Babylonian empires. Now is the time for her own exodus, as she begins the process of purification in readiness for her passover and her deliverance to the kingdom from the coming One World Order, which is quickly forming on the horizon.
Christianity will go the way of all religions as it goes up in smoke, riding the beast to the bottom of the sea. This will only occur once there is complete separation of God’s house of Israel, the true church, from Christianity, just as the seawaters were separated from the dry land. She will stand for God on the other side in truth and perfect obedience – something the nation and spiritual nation never managed to do. Already we can see the buildings of Christianity crumbling, where there is no money, which it so diligently required of its people to keep the system functioning. Money, instead of Jesus, became the occupation of the church and its priesthood.
Today, we are able to look at that miserable little piece of land called Israel, which is being fought over by all the religions of the world. All world governments want to possess that which was intended only for God’s people, had they chosen the blessing instead of the curse of the Law.
America is following the way of her older sister (see Ezekiel 23 and the parable of the two sisters), as she moves well along the way of embracing the curse to become a harlot to her God. She is choosing to forsake the blessing God so desires to lavish upon the woman who wants to become His bride and love Him as He so loves her. With the opening of America’s doors to multiculturalism, the religious battle now begins over this land to determine which evil regime will take ruler-ship over her when her blessing of liberty disappears.
Once she has been devoured by a satanic religious regime, Satan will then have all the nations of the world belonging to him as they move to the sway of the snake charmer’s tune. America will play the harlot to her God, just as the nation Israel, and Adam and Eve before her, played the harlot. The Babylonian system is in full play as the mother of all harlots emanating out of the Roman system and, yet, out of the Babylonian system at the same time. The world is still under the ruler-ship of the Babylonian empires as Daniel saw and described them many centuries ago in his prophetic message of the empires to come.
God has allowed the Roman empire to remain alive through religious Romanism until the present time, when it is now about to be revived, with the time of the fullness of the gentiles approaching. Presently, spiritual Israel, in the person of the bride, is also reaching her time of labor to bring forth the good fruit as the adopted sons of God, having been reborn again and set free from the spirit of death by the Spirit of life.
Six #2: The Political System. With the coming time of the fullness of the Gentiles, no nation will any longer be under the ruler-ship of God. At this point, the true church becomes His spiritual nation, Israel, separated and apart from all of the cultures and nations of the world. Political leaders in America, the home of spiritual Israel, have become so corrupt, self-serving and willing players of Satan, that there is no light of truth left in the political systems of her two countries; it is as though her political leaders have put her people in an iron vice. This is exactly what is happening as the big players of the business and political elite are deciding, behind the scenes, the course or direction of things to come on the world political stage.
No leader can come to power, who does not play by their rules, or he will become a disposable commodity either by media or physical assassination. Without exception, all political leaders today, in order to hold high offices, will move to the sway of the snake charmer, or they will quickly be removed from their places of power, leaving no real alternatives for the people any longer. Their frustration is due to their own stupidity for having enjoyed the bounty of God without having shown any real gratitude for it. His people have neither taken the time nor have had the desire to stand for His truth in this land of the free. Liberty is rejected as we hand it back to the enemy, from which our ancestors fought so valiantly to protect us, once they had come to America and experienced the liberty of God.
Constitutions were put in place for this purpose, with the torch of light for the world being handed over to America, to raise it high, so that the world would know His truth. The difference was very evident between a nation ruled by God, and one in captivity to religious rulers under Satan, as were all the other nations of the world. All America was required to do was to keep her arm raised high with the torch in hand, as did Moses hold high his arm with the rod in hand. This is what led to Israel’s liberty, and is that which will keep liberty alive and well in America today.
Politics today is nothing but a display of man’s hypocrisy and his utter foolishness in wanting men to rule over him, instead of God. So God is simply removing His hand of protection over Americans to allow them to have the desire of their hearts – hearts, which are desperately wicked from birth. Please don’t ask where God is when bad things happen to men; ask what your role was intended to be in preventing them!
Six #3: The Economics System. At the end of what could be described as the six millennia of history and the beginning of the seventh millennium of the only completely written history that exists, called His Story, the Bible, we see the beginning of the towers of economics (World Trade) coming down. It was shown in the natural when the twin towers of the World Trade Center were leveled to the ground in the space of one hour, as is perfectly described in Biblical prophecy. “‘For in one hour such great riches came to nothing.’ And every shipmaster, all who travel by ship, sailors, and as many as trade on the sea, stood at a distance and cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, ‘What is like this great city (Revelation 18:17-19)?’”
The world is on the brink of financial collapse because of man’s love of money, the gold of this world, more than he loves God, the Provider for mankind. When man chose to provide for himself by rejecting the truth of God, He warned him it would be no easy ride, as he labored by the sweat of his brow to produce nothing more than thorns and thistles. There would be no garden food coming from his own labor and, ultimately, it would lead to his demise and death.
Today is pay-off time when the fruit of our own labor will prove to be fruitless and we will have no one but Satan to turn to in our misery. The wonderful bounty of an America under God will give way to famine, the reward of the devil for his own. Hence, it is time for Satan to bring forth his Antichrist who will deceive men into believing he is the great economic savior. We have recently watched Barack Obama deceive the American people in the spirit of antichrist, leading them to believe in him when, in fact, he is carrying out the will of the destroyer.
Satan will deceive the world, and man, again, like Adam and Eve before him, will believe the lie when he would not believe the truth. The witnesses to the truth will be hated, for the liars of the cultures of the world have no sword to cut through it. The armor of God, given to David the shepherd boy, is infinitely more powerful than the armor of man with which Goliath, the giant and antichrist of his day, covered himself.
Wake up, American couch potatoes, before your number is cooked. Put on the armor of God and take up the sword of truth, for you are about to face the biggest of Goliath’s brothers, brother #5, the giant of all, who is clothed in the covering of man – the religious, political and economic covering. It is the number of the beast and the number of man masquerading as the Trinity of truth – his number is 666.
For, thus says the Lord!
Elinor Montgomery