Are the Announcement of the Birth and the Judgment Waiting at the Gate of the New Year? - Elinor Montgomery
by Elinor Montgomery –
Are the Announcement of the Birth and the Judgment Waiting at the Gate of the New Year?
December 17, 2008
The Bible makes it evident, with the Lord’s visitation to Abraham and Sarah, that the child of inheritance, Isaac, would be conceived in a supernatural manner. Apparently, in the final moments of history, just as in the old age of Sarah and Abraham, the good fruit of God’s sons and daughters of inheritance of the kingdom will be brought forth to become sister and spouse for Jesus.
The prophecy of Genesis: 18 tells us that this event will come at exactly the same time as the fire judgment is going to fall upon a sinning world. The just will be saved for the kingdom and the wicked will go down with their father, the devil, after six millennia of God’s struggle with man until the dawn of the seventh millennium. The prophetic picture is seen in Jacob’s struggle with God and man throughout the night when Jacob finally prevails in the wee hours of dawn. It is then, and only then, that his name of Jacob is changed to Israel by God (see Genesis 32: 24-28).
Nowhere is this message more clearly given prophetically than in the book of Genesis. They are the fools who tie themselves up in religious doctrines completely missing the messages God has planted throughout Scripture in prophecy. They are the academics and philosophers of limited understanding, who quote other men of limited understanding, who are truly blinded by each other. If they were wise, they would be looking to God and His Word, where they will receive the unlimited understanding and knowledge of an unlimited God.
The tree of knowledge, which Satan inhabited in the Garden of creation, is the satanic tree from which academia eats. Of course this is the situation, for they are the same ones who choose to reject the truth of God, as did Adam and Eve before them. Unfortunately, it is a sure thing that they will die if they continue to eat from this tree, for Satan proved to be wrong and God’s words of warning proved to be absolutely correct about life and death. Adam and Eve died for their sin of disobedience concerning the food they ate.
And so, our elitists of the theological papacy who rest on their academic laurels will rarely if ever catch a glimpse of the prophetic messages veiled by God and kept from such men who pride themselves in their academic proficiency. He saves these messages for the weak and the submitted who know that all glory goes to God for His favor and blessing upon them for whom the veil, which hides the understanding, is pulled back.
If one were asked to nutshell the Bible, as if one could even begin to do such a thing with such a book, the best I could do would be to take us back to Genesis and God’s creation, beginning with all things made good in an eternal setting where there was only day and no night. Into this paradise He placed His creation of a man and a woman to whom He gave the generic name of men collectively. With these two human beings, God wanted unlimited fruitfulness for an eternity of fellowship between Himself and man.
Creation means to bring forth or to give up something of oneself in order to impart to another. In a sense, there is the work or sacrifice of one for the sake or interest of another. When God breathed life into Adam’s nostrils, He imparted a very special gift from Himself, which would allow another living, pulsating being to exist in relationship and fellowship with Him.
Creation is a gift beyond measure to mankind, and to reject it is what is called sin – the result of a response to God, which says, “Thanks, but no thanks,” to the Precious One Who would have loved us as man loves a woman in the act of procreation. It was this act of creating the marriage bed, which God gave to show His unimaginable love for each and every individual.
Of course, Satan was the first in line to reject the gift of God for His creation and, as the destroyer, he fixed his hatred on man and the marriage bed. Instead of being a worshiper of God in love, he became a worshiper of self, in pride and hatred for God and His creation. Instead of being a partaker of life, he became the author of death. Instead of sharing in the light of day, he chose to function in the darkness of night. Instead of embracing the truth, he became the author of the lie.
When Adam and Eve chose to sin, they also chose to make Satan their father by embracing his spirit of death, where formerly they embraced only the Spirit of life from their Father, God.
The Bible is a Book describing God’s plan of redemption in His mercy toward mankind by producing a Son of Adam (by the blood but not from the seed of man) and a Son of God (conceived by the Holy Spirit, which gives life). He would be the first Fruit of the good fruit born again of the Spirit of life into a bloodline doomed to die.
This Son, Jesus, would require a woman who, by choosing Him to be her Husband, would bear the good fruit of His marriage bed. It will have none of the corruption of the marriage bed of the first woman, Eve, who chose to reject the Lord God by submitting herself to another as a harlot who had known Him intimately. This bride of Christ is His church, the true apostolic church, with no guile in her.
Essentially, the Bible is history, the history of God working with man for his redemption, which is His story of replacement of the natural by spiritual redemption. Together, Christ and His church become a union of two in one body in a proper marriage bed that produces the good fruit intended from the time of Creation to be God’s family in the true house of Israel.
So, this brings us to Satan’s plan for today, which is to lure men away from God as he did at Creation and, by doing so, destroy God’s plans for the marriage bed. He has caused men to pervert the natural act between a man and a woman, which allows them to become fruitful. The most perverted way of doing this is what has become known as the act of sodomy, because of what happened in ancient Biblical times at a place called Sodom.
It happened at the same time as a special visitation of God, in the form of three persons, with Abraham and Sarah, where God came down to be with man for two reasons. One reason was to declare that it was time for the birth of the good fruit, or son of inheritance, promised to Abraham; the second purpose was to declare judgment on a city that was full of wickedness and violence, the prime sin being that of homosexuality.
The men of Sodom, both old and young, all the people from every quarter, surrounded the house. And they called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may know them carnally.” So Lot went out to them through the doorway, shut the door behind him, and said, “Please, my brethren, do not do so wickedly! See now, I have two daughters who have not known a man; please, let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them as you wish; only do nothing to these men, since this is the reason they have come under the shadow of my roof (Genesis 19:4-8).”
Yes, this was the reason why the angels visited Sodom – to bring the fire judgment upon the men and women of that city at the same time they brought the announcement of the birth of the son of inheritance. This is the hour for the true church to give birth to the revived apostolic church by the Spirit of life being returned to her as to the bride of Christ. She will once again walk in the footsteps of her Savior, worshiping only in spirit and in truth, but never in religion. This all takes place in the same age when the wickedness of homosexuality runs rampant, and is about to bring down the wrath and fire judgment of God.
California has become the symbol of the wickedness of sodomy in America, where homosexuality pushes itself against those who have resisted it with Proposition 8, while fires ravish the state. This is God’s warning to a nation, and particularly to California, before she is hit by an earthquake, which will break her away and wash her wickedness out to sea. It is a sign of a Sodom-style destruction, which is about to encompass all of America. Woe to those Sodomites who do not repent but continue to press against the voice of God. They shall be cast into outer darkness to experience the blindness, which the wicked men of Sodom experienced.
This is the culmination of the world’s six-millennium history of God’s redemptive plan to restore His ruler-ship on earth through His Son and His bride who, together, will sit on the throne of David for an eternity. They will bring forth the good fruit God always wanted from man by replacing Adam and Eve, who together gave up the throne. At last God and man will come into perfect relationship in which worship will be in spirit and in truth.
This is a mere attempt at ‘nutshelling’ the Bible, something that can never do justice to such an awesome Book of prophecy.