"A Word to All" - Deborah Rennier
2-19-09 “A Word to all”
“So many are blind. Saints: Look at the world through the eyes I the Lord have given you. Do not be deceived. So many are far from ME and MY ways.”
“World: A time is coming VERY SOON when all you will have is ME and nothing else. Everything in the world will fail you. I say again. The world as you know it, will be no more. Nothing will be the same. “
Isa 2:19 They shall go into the holes of the rocks, And into the caves of the earth, From the terror of the Lord And the glory of His majesty, When He arises to shake the earth mightily.
Isa 2:20 In that day a man will cast away his idols of silver And his idols of gold, Which they made, each for himself to worship, To the moles and bats,
Isa 2:21 To go into the clefts of the rocks, And into the crags of the rugged rocks, From the terror of the Lord And the glory of His majesty, When He arises to shake the earth mightily.
Isa 2:22 Sever yourselves from such a man, Whose breath is in his nostrils; For of what account is he?
” I will be mocked no more!”
Leiter Ford, Indiana