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Fotm Corner


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City Savior

HELP! Something is messing with me!!

Are you captive to something that won’t let you go? Maybe it’s fear or addiction or anger or lust or something else. Have you tried everything without real success? Are you a Christian that knows you should be walking in peace and joy and victory – but can’t seem to get there?

Or worse, are you hearing voices tell you awful things about yourself or trying to get you to do bad things? Nightmares? Seeing scary, unexplainable things show up in your house or happen around you? Are your children out of control? Is the anxiety and stress eating you? Maybe you’re completely incapacitated and feel no hope at all. And those voices are probably screaming at you even now – just being on this website!

You need to understand that the Bible talks a lot about the enemy of our souls, the father of lies, and how demons are used to harrass and torture us and to kill, steal and destroy our lives and our quality of life. Christians CAN be attacked – in fact, will be attacked by demons. Even Jesus Christ, alone in the desert, was attacked and tempted by satan himself.

There is a lie being spread – a doctrine of demons – and it is this; “Don’t talk about satan and demons, it gives them too much glory! If you talk about demons, you’re worshiping them instead of Jesus! The battle is won. Demons can’t attack Blood-bought Christians! We musn’t talk about that in church, just talk about Love and Grace.”

Yet the Word of God is clear that we are in a WAR – and while the outcome is certain, the battle goes on every day. And our battle is NOT against flesh and blood (or chemical imbalances or people or habits) but against powers and principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). Jesus Christ himself did a lot of training with His disciples on how to handle demons and how to free people – and even commanded them to go into all the world healing, casting out demons, baptizing them and making disciples that will obey ALL His commands. (Mark 16:14-18, Matthew 28:18-20)

Can you imagine anyone in the Pentagon saying, “We must keep our focus on America and the flag and the national anthem. Let’s just sing some more. We can’t talk about Osama Bin Ladin because we don’t want people to think we’re worshiping him! Let’s say the Pledge of Allegiance again.” No way! There’s just no chance that Generals and Admirals and men and women of war are going to worry for an INSTANT about accidentally worshiping the enemy that they are called to fight! They will learn all they can about that enemy – where they hide, where they sleep, how they think, and most of all, how to destroy them! And Jesus Christ told us a lot about the reality of spiritual warfare and the need to push back the darkness.

Unfortunately, the number of parts of the “church” that are willing to even consider the reality of demons is tiny – and those with enough spiritual authority to actually get them off is even smaller! If you’re going to get up on the front lines and take down big bad guys, you better be squeaky clean yourself because they WILL fight back!

There is another page here about the reality of demons – “Are Demons Real?

But if you’re on this page, you probably don’t need convincing of the reality of it. You’re probably desperate and just want help. That’s what we’re offering.

Here’s how this works.

First, you need to understand that satan is the prince of this world. Because the world is fallen, he is in charge and we are all automatically under his control. BUT … when Jesus calls us and we come under HIS kingship, then He gives us what we need to guard us against satan. That is, without Jesus, you’re pretty much toast. You might have enough will-power to stop drinking, but the spirit of Lust (self-gratification) is just going to get you some other way, like overeating or smoking or porn. You’re not free until it has no more grip on you – and you can’t get free until JESUS gets you free.

So if you want us to help, you need to understand that we’re not “spiritualists” or “psychics” or any other thing. We are radical Jesus lovers who hear His voice and do all we can to obey His commands – including casting out demons. But we know that after something is cast out, then something better and stronger better take its place or else they will come back worse than before. We’ve seen people permanently freed from all kinds of things – and we’ve seen people that didn’t keep the doors shut and things jumped back on.

We use the “Cup Model” to simplify this and explain it to people. You can read/watch that here – Fill My Cup, Lord.

The short of it is that we’re going to help you get your cup cleaned out, break anything off that may remain – from generational things, involvement in witchcraft, family curses, demonic oppressions, filters, lenses, whatever – then show you how to get your cup full of Jesus and keep it full. If you DON’T stay IN Christ, stay IN the Strong Tower, then you’re not going to be able to really keep the bad guys from messing with you.

So, we’re here to help, but understand where we are coming from. Demons aren’t ghosts or harmless spirits that just hang around – they are out to kill you and this is a real war and your only hope is to be FULL of Jesus – and stay that way. So we’re going to help get you fixed up, but we are not going to take responsibility for what happens if you get worse because you didn’t follow the prescription.

We have seen people completely delivered from depression, panic attacks, phobias and fears, schizophrenia, suicidal thoughts, self-mutilation (cutting, etc.), anorexia, agorophobia, guilt, self-condemnation, worry, bitterness, unforgiveness, self-hate, anger and others. We have seen people completely healed from physical problems like lupus, fibromyalgia, heart problems, broken bones, chronic pain, food allergies, epilepsy and seizures, infertility, addiction to Methadone and other drugs, brain problems (confusion, Alzheimers, dyslexia, etc.), and others – even autism in children. God is good!

This is not about us. There is no power in us. There is only JESUS and He is the Great Physician.

If you need help, please email (fotm@fellowshipofthemartyrs.com) or call (816-255-5766) and we will do all we can to help you. We do not charge anything – ever. If you are blessed and God moves on your heart to help us do this more, then you’re welcome to donate, but there will be no mention of it from us or requirement that you do so.

Know that you’re not alone. The days are evil and the enemy of our souls is doing all that he can to do maximum damage before his time runs out. Hang on a little longer. If the voices are screaming at you to get away from this site (and whatever else they are screaming), then whether you believe in Jesus or not – just tell them to get away from you in the Name of Jesus Christ – and keep saying it until you get the strength you need to contact us. It’s going to be a fight to get free – and to stay free. But God is bigger than those things trying to kill you. Be strong.

Email to: fotm@fellowshipofthemartyrs.com
Call: (816-255-5766)

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