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City Savior

How To Help / Contact Us

Contact or Donate to the Fellowship of the Martyrs and/or the Church of Liberty

If you believe that the message we are shouting at the top of our lungs needs to be heard and, if the Lord leads you to, please help us do it in a bigger way. We have a group of people here who are living completely on faith and trusting God to provide for their every need. We have dozens of projects that the Lord has put on our heart to produce or print or distribute. People from all over the world are sending us books and music and poems and t-shirt designs and more that GOD told them WE were produce and distribute to the world! We need investment capital to get these things going. The Lord was clear that these were to be For-Profit ventures generating maximum possible revenue so that we can funnel all available money into projects that are getting maximum return on investment in Kingdom treasure.

You can contact us by phone at 816-255-5766 or 816-929-4466.

If you want to help, you can buy some of the products HERE. If you want to invest in a larger way in one or more of the projects, please contact us directly at fotm@fellowshipofthemartyrs.com and we’ll tell you all about them. These aren’t necessarily charity things, we’re asking for investors in God’s projects.

Click this button to donate via PayPal (can use a credit/debit card even without a PayPal account):

or go to: http://www.paypal.com/
send funds to: fotm@fellowshipofthemartyrs.com

You can donate through Zelle to 816-929-4466 or help@libertydisasterrelief.com

You can donate through CashApp to $FOTM1 or (816) 929-4466 or fotm@fellowshipofthemartyrs.com

If you are overseas and need to do a wire to the bank, contact us for information about that.

You can also mail a check to:
Liberty Disaster Relief
118 N. Conistor, #B251, Liberty, Missouri, 64068

Make checks out to “Liberty Disaster Relief” *

Address letters to:

Fellowship Of The Martyrs (or Doug Perry or Liberty Disaster Relief)
118 N. Conistor, #B251, Liberty, Missouri, 64068

(PLEASE NOTE: This is our MAILING address. If you’re going to come visit, you’ll need to contact us for directions to the ministry houses or food/clothing pantry.)

You can also donate to the ministry when you purchase ANYTHING from Amazon!
Just go to http://smile.amazon.com and go through to sign up process to choose “The Church of Liberty” or “Liberty Disaster Relief” as your charity of choice. Amazon will donate 1/2 of 1 percent of anything you purchase to the ministry.

Also note that Amazon has a Charity Wish List where we have selected some things that are real needs for the ministry.
One way to give would be to buy some of those products and they will ship them to us. Thanks so much!

Thanks so much. You can be sure that we’re going to pray about every single dollar and only use it according to the Lord’s direction.

*What is the Liberty Disaster Relief fund? Well, you see, the Christians in America are experiencing a “liberty” disaster. We opened it after Hurricane Katrina to funnel some local money down there, but the Lord said not to name it “Hurricane” relief because there would be more (and local) disasters coming soon. It wasn’t until later that we realized how really cool it was that He had us open a fund to help do something about the LIBERTY Disaster in this country. It is an extension ministry of the Church of Liberty and donations are tax deductible. There are various co-signers on this account that are elders in Liberty so that no one person can control the funds and nothing is spent without prayer. Basically if God told you to send us money, then just ask Him whether we’re trustworthy or not. 🙂

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