Famous Beards in Christian History
OK, if Paul can do it, why can’t I? So I speak as a fool. This is a totally pointless article, with tongue fully in cheek – but maybe you’ll think about it.
Among the other accusations against me, one is that I grew a “guru beard” and that proves that I’m a cult leader. And yet, there are some guys out there that are lifted up as great pillars of the Church and effective revivalists who had WAAAY weirder beards than me! I don’t take any of this very seriously.
First of all, Jesus says that we should expect persecution and that we should rejoice! For another thing, the people saying stuff like this are just a hair away from the “pastor” that says God has revealed to him personally that I am satan incarnate – not possessed by satan, mind you – that I am, in fact, satan himself! (Want my autograph?) So when God turns you over to a delusion, mostly it’s just easier to laugh at you (and cry a little inside because it’s sad to see you trapped in it). But I’m not gonna get all torqued about it, because it’s mostly just nonsense.
Anyway, see how many of these you can identify. If you hold your mouse over them for a second, it will tell you who they are. Now, please understand, their presence here doesn’t mean that I agree with their theology or endorse any of their beliefs – I just like their beards. 🙂
Can you find a lot of pictures of new agers, muslims, hindus and cult leaders with long beards? Sure. So what?
Is it really the beard that makes them holy or unholy? How about long hair? How about flowing robes or funny hats or the size of their steeple? Have you ever seen a picture of Jesus clean-shaven with a crew cut? Yet that’s how we seem to think people should look in “church”.
Grow up.
I’ve had a beard since I was 16 years old. And when my beard grew for a year and was about a foot long, it was a fast to the Lord for my wife to turn and repent. It was not a fashion statement, nor some effort to be a “guru”. It was in obedience to God and as an expression of a contrite heart and a desire to see my own marriage restored. It was a Nazarite vow – as my hair on top is now. It was a seriously personal and holy thing and making fun of what you don’t understand is hurtful and mean. If you want to see what happened to the beard – watch the video at the bottom of the Doug’s Testimony page (if you can stomach it).
Maybe we could talk about JESUS more and outward appearances less. Whadaya say?
Doug Perry Biker Doug Goofy Doug William Tyndale
Bible TranslatorWilliam Booth
founder of the Salvation Army
If he were standing on a street corner, would you really invite this guy home?!Alexander Dowie
RevivalistJohn Brown
AbolitionistJohn Wycliffe
Bible printer and translatorDwight Moody Revivalist Charles Spurgeon Charles Finney Apostle Paul Moses – how about this guy? Abraham – ever hear of him? Hudson Taylor
Missionary to China
Someone once looked at my long beard and with a snotty, sarcastic attitude said, “I suppose you’re going to say that God told you to grow your beard out!” I know it was the Lord through me because I responded before I could even think about it and said, “Don’t be ridiculous!! It grows without me telling it to! God just told me not to cut it.”
Lighten up.